July 17, 2011

The history of my SSP Mustang

This mustang was purchased by the state of Oregon in 1985 along with 15 or so others.  The total numbers are really unknown as the state cannot confirm their records. The cars arrived sometime in 1986 to be used in service.  Oregon State police outfitted the cars in various equipment packages.  Some were  fully loaded with all the bells and whistles and some were very well unmarked. 

 My SSP was outfitted in a white exterior with the side molding painted black.  It would of had a McDermott lightbar with a single red and blue light mounted on the roof.  In-between the light on the roof also were mounted two radio antennas.  There was another antenna mounted on the left side quarter panel.  Would have looked something like this while in service.  Hell, this might be my actual car.   There is no sure way to confirm yes or no.  I got this image from SSP Mustang Org a great place to look at the history of mustangs in service use.