July 20, 2011

Project update, ok well from last month...

Here are some pics of the work I am doing.  This has been a total single man show with almost all of the resources needed.
 This is the current stage... Well kinda Ill add more pics later.  

 This taken after engine and subframe removal.  Took the pair out from the bottom without a hoist.  It can be done and its not all that hard.
 This is one of the 3+ pile of parts I have in my office waiting to be installed.
This is a pic of the Buck tags.  One shows the original order number (DSO 74-0126) from what I understand this is like the states purchase order number.  The other has information on the build details ie. color, drive train bla.. bla..
 A moment before the removal

Just after the removal.  Not the cleanest under there.  Soon to follow is new inner fender aprons without all of the holes and a relocating of wiring harness and fluid hard lines.  Got to tidy things up!